
There are a lot of interesting things to do on Pikku-Syöte

The­re is a wide array of acti­vi­ties avai­lable at Pik­ku-Syö­te. You can rent snows­hoes and go on a snows­hoe safa­ri. You can then take a walk for ins­tance to a Lap­pish hut. Down­hill skiing, snow­boar­ding and cross count­ry skiing are also enjo­y­able win­ter acti­vi­ties. When the­re is no snow, popu­lar acti­vi­ties inclu­de fris­bee golf and archery.

At Pik­ku-Syö­te you can also enjoy indoor acti­vi­ties. You can go wall clim­bing or rent a gym hall.

You can ask for more infor­ma­tion at the Pik­ku-Syö­te recep­tion. You can also book your acti­vi­ties direct­ly from Iso-Syö­te’s ren­tal services. 

Magical forest
Indoor Wall Climbing
Disc golf
Soita 0400 893 791